My neighbor, true to his word,
brought an ax and felled the tree at its stump
He was right, of course.
Until we see each other again
when the Wind blows,
Your Loving Father, Job
Billows were breaking, sea against sand,
long before prime had rung from any bell—
I can either fall or plunder
Or maybe it’s better
To surrender to the fear
Of life and death
And all that surrounds it.
I won’t give up on Angie. Will she ever trust me or talk to me again? I turn around, take out my phone, and call 911. Where’s the humor in this?
Read More“Start over” after “start over” after “start over,” we trudge back to the beginning of the set. Haley hisses at the sophomores who are scuffing their toes into the dirt. Anything—any small thing—could be the next spark for Dr. Hightower’s wrath.
Read MoreHello music of the stars! Hello
sunburn! I am ready to shed my
The math of this isn’t diminishment
if expansion is imagined———