Underfunded Zoo, by Spencer Mirabal
Every entangled stroke
of a wooden comb through the right side my beard
pulls to center stage
two adjacent white beard hairs
all zig zagged and mislead
stray, wire-thin polar bears with shared trauma
now fully welcomed in my
weekly-rent studio apartment
full of anorexic animals
the considered / passed on limeade stand.
Most mornings, they hide behind
my hoarded collection of lethargic hopes
and I try to keep them alive
overfeeding them with
a trough of refrigerated waffle fries
a feast of cold grease
which they want
no part of
so they join the rest in
going through the motions
humoring my optimism that they’ll dazzle
patches of them play a
phony game of water polo
disregard starvation for another hour
while I pace in my office
comically discouraged
staring at the crater on my chin
paranoid about being discovered
a charlatan zoo owner
vehemently prepared to burn the whole shabang down
for the tax write off.
Venmo is @spencermirabal
Photography by Austin Vaught
Design by Jordyn Raffety