'There's some Love', by Corey Neal
There’s some love
That waits
And some that leaves
There’s some love that brings
Love together
And some that
There’s some love that tells you
You’re the only one
And some that says
You’re the last one
There’s some love
That keeps warm
And some that wanders
Out in the shade
To find a quiet place alone
There’s some love that dies
And some that doesn’t
And some love you have to kill
And that’s how it kills you
There some love that
Drinks the rain
And some that
Drinks the sun
There’s some love locked
In a burning heart alone,
Keeping safe to itself,
And sometimes it
Burns in binary
There’s some love love loves
And some that love doesn’t
There’s some love loves loving
And some love hates waiting for
There’s even some love
In factory cut slab countertops
It’s not enough
But it’s there
In the flaws and fingerprints
Not enough
In its stoicism
But it’s there
Holding up the cutting board
Not enough
But it’s there
There’s love coming through the tap
Filling up the sink because
There was some in the hands
That pumped groundwater
For thousands of years
And now it all sits in a tower
Where you can pay
To have it run through pipes
—And if you’re lucky they’re not lead
Though there’s some not near
Enough love in lead, too—
Onto the bristles of the brush
That keep the love in your teeth
There’s some love
Behind your lips
You keep them shut
But it’s there
There’s some love that nestles itself
In every fold of the curtains
Whispers confessions in every din
And there’s some love that wants to scream
And seize you by the shoulders
And shake
Until you know
There’s some love
Right here
It could be enough
But it’s waiting
And there’s some love
That keeps waiting
There’s some love in the divot
On your desk
It started as an oily mark
Where your hand rested writing letters
And now the dust collects in it
And there’s some love that
Wipes the dust away
And there’s some love
Buried in boxes in your closet
And some sitting out on your night stand
In a face down photograph
Where it never stops waiting
It’s not enough
But it’s there
It’s there
Artwork by Corey Neal